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2016-07-23 17:55   来源: 川报观察   编辑: 申海娟   责任编辑: 史建婷


Commencement of the 3rd 2016 G20 Financial Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting

川报观察客户端记者 梁现瑞

Reported by: Liang Xianrui


As the last member nation conference before the G20 Summit in Hangzhou, the 3rd 2016 G20 Financial Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting commenced in Chengdu today. This is the first time the G20 Financial Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting takes place in western China.


Themes of the Meeting include global economic situation, growth framework, investment and infrastructure construction. Financial ministers and central bank governors from the US, Japan, Russia and other member nations, as well as leaders from international economic organizations such as the IMF, World Bank, UN Development Programme, Bank for International Settlements, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, New Development Bank and Global Infrastructure Hub will attend the Meeting.


G20 was established on September 25, 1999, and members include the EU along with the 19 countries of the US, Japan, Germany, France, the UK, Italy, Canada, Russia, Australia, China, South Africa, Argentina, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and South Korea. The G20 nations account for 90% of gross domestic product, 80% of global trade and 2/3 of the world's population.


The operation mechanism of the early phases of the G20 was the Financial Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting. After the 2008 financial crisis, G20 upgraded into a summit meeting of heads of governments, forming a structure led by the summit, supported by the human and capital "dual track mechanism", assisted by the ministerial-level meeting and working groups.


G20 adopts a rotating chair system. This year, for the first time China became the chair of the G20 and Hangzhou is the host city for the summit, while Shanghai and Chengdu will hold the Financial Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meetings.


China is an founding member of the G20, and in 2005 successfully hosted the 7th G20 Financial Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting.

原标题:G20 Financial Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting commenced







